Wednesday, July 3, 2013

the happenings.

life has been one big pile of change after another around here.

first, i graduate from college. yay! it's done!

then, i get married. woot! woot!

now, i am trying figure out this whole being a wife thing.

don't get me wrong, i love it!

it is just that change and i don't have a great past, so i am working my way through things.

on the other hand, i am loving life! this summer has been AMAZING!

i love seeing my best friend everyday!

i've been able to hang out with one of the best buds from college twice in the past month, which is great because she's from chicago and i live in the middle of a cornfield in indiana.

i have been able to catch up on many tv shows and find new faves...currently obsessed with downton abbey and bunheads. if you love gilmore girls, then you should be watching bunheads. the writer/producer/director for gilmore girls is the writer/producer/director for bunheads. love it!!

i have also gotten a haircut. i finally made a life goal of donating hair to locks of love. i sent in my 13 in. ponytail this week. i am now sporting a pixie. i love it! short hair is the best!

that's an update on my life right now. thanks blair at wild and precious for the link up!

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